Translation Expertise > Public Sector


We have translated materials for public school systems in a dozen states. These documents cover the entire educational spectrum, including:

Textbooks for middle and high school on history and mathematics.

Parental materials: Parent compacts, letters to parents (suspension, tutoring, late pickup, etc.), Parental Rights Manuals, Parent Handbooks, parent involvement policies, Parental Consent forms and documents, family guides and surveys, volunteer guidelines and forms.

No Child Left Behind: Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) reports, Special Education Support Services, Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) forms and reports, assessment tests.

English as a Second Language (ESL): Placement, contents, notifications, brochures, Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MDT) reports.

Online: School web sites, math educational software; on-line schooling guides, requirements, brochures and home facilitator instructions.

Policies: Student Responsibilities and Rights (SR&R) Handbooks, Code of Conduct Manuals, attendance/truancy policies, Enrollment/Academic Standards, graduation requirements and plans, Strategic Education Plans.

Procedural: Due process audience and appeal materials, procedural safeguards, probation materials/forms, complaint/appeal procedures, procedural safeguards. Behavioral: Behavioral Assessment reports and Behavior Intervention plans, Early Intervention plans, psychological reports, gang-related Behavior Contracts.

Special Ed: Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) materials, Preschool Special Education Services, Rehabilitative Services documents.

Forms & Flyers: Application/enrollment materials, report cards, progress reports, student transfer/referral forms, eligibility reports, calendars, class calendars, school fair flyers, summer lecture activities, severe weather info.

Health: Vaccination requirements. Medical, vision, dental, sports insurance and emergency contact forms and referrals. Authorization for medication forms. Language, hearing, vision materials. Medicaid funding forms and documents.

Food Service: Menus, Free and Reduced Price Meal requirements, payment procedures, summer meals programs, general information

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